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Frequently Asked Questions

What safety measures are in place?

  • All staff and volunteers have background checks
  • With the exception of one door, all other doors remain locked with hallway monitors 
  • Students never one-on-one with adults

What are the registration and monthly class fees?

Semester registration fees:
1 student- $45
2 students- $80
3 students-  $115
4 students or more- $120.00

Monthly class fees vary. Classes range from $15/semester to $50/month.  Some classes may have a one time supply fee. Find our more here

Are there discounts for multiple children?

Discounts are at each teacher's discretion - some will offer it and others won't.  Please see course descriptions for details.

Do parents have to stay on site during class?

Parents are asked to serve an hour/month.  If not in a specific role such as teacher, assistant teacher, or support crew, parents are asked to leave the building during class.  We encourage you to relax during this time or run errands. 

Why is there a registration fee if I'm paying monthly tuition?

The registration fee covers administrative costs such as the website, insurance, rental costs, teacher appreciation gifts, lanyards and various other office supplies. 

How do you decide what classes will be offered?

We do a lot of praying!  We accept applications from the community and then do interviews, check references, and look at sample projects.  Ultimately, we seek people that love Jesus, align with our statement of faith and stance on cultural issues, and will work well with students in a classroom setting.  God is good to provide individuals with a variety of skills that they are willing to share in a co-op setting. 

Do you have to attend a local church to participate in the co-op?

Registration is open to all students, regardless of their church involvement.